International Pediatrics Program
Early Screening Saves Lives
One of the most effective ways to combat blindness is screening and treating children at an early age. For four decades, our International Pediatric Program has supported vital school screenings and follow-up care, including free glasses and surgery.
So far, Combat Blindness International have supported 2,199 pediatric cataract surgeries and screened over 1,211,422 children, so they can learn and thrive. And we’re just getting started!
Up to 60% of children 5 and under in low-income countries die within a year of becoming blind.
Early Screening Provides Opportunities
It is estimated that 80% of learning takes place visually, which is why vision is crucial to a child’s education, advancement and long-term success.
Visually impaired children face major educational barriers and often drop out of school. By catching and correcting eye problems by the age of 5 or 6, school screenings increase a child’s visual years, helping them succeed in school and beyond.